An Open Letter to Siblings, From Caregivers.

Family history and dynamics can be brutal. We know that, for whatever reason, you weren’t able to care for our parent and we were. We understand that you may also have been too busy/ill/occupied to help us with our parents’ care so we thought it was best to just go ahead and do what was […]

The Last Voyage.

You know how it is, when you find yourself in the middle of some task or event, and you realize right in the middle of it that, not only have you never done anything like this before, but it is a completely surreal experience? I found myself doing just such a task two weeks ago, […]

July 1938 – May 2016.

I got the call last Thursday at 11; Dad had taken a turn for the worse and Greg thought my sister and I should come over soon. Having just come from the gym, I rushed through getting ready and got on the road a short time later. When I got to his room, my sister was […]

How Caregiving Ends.

I’m sitting in Dad’s room, watching him sleep, as I have so often. The twitching from his Parkinson’s has gotten worse and his body is in almost-constant motion. It looks uncomfortable. The room is small, just a bed and his recliner, so seating is limited. I’m currently perched on his wheelchair, which is fine – I’m […]

It’s Time.

Before I post an essay, I craft it in a Word document, then read it over and re-write it, then work on a different essay, then probably move some stuff around some more on the first one, before finally deciding it is ready to bring over here to be posted. This post is coming straight […]

Home is Where the Heat Is.

By the time we realized that Dad needed as much help as he did, he had been living alone for at least thirteen years. In that time, the fabric of his house had started to fail, and a lot of the appliances had stopped working – including the furnace. Ever the stoic, Dad insisted that he was […]


The 3×5 card, labeled, ‘My Epitah,’ was taped haphazardly among fast food receipts, flyers and reminders on the inside of the small armoire in my dad’s room. It caught my eye due to the big letters underneath spelling out my name. The name Waldo-Emerson was written on the card, followed by four lines of a […]